Extract Ephedrine From Ephedra Plant
Extract Ephedrine From Sudafed Pseudoephedrine Extraction by Diacetyl.
Well just like sedated went from ephedrine to Psudo (that really stopped meth production in it's tracks for at least 5 minutes till Uncle Fester or someone found out
Methylamine Synthesis by ChemHack ----- The way I figure it, Hexamine is a lot less thanks a lot for this easy guide. Can i get the cactus at a garden store or do
Methcathinone Preparing the ephedrine/pseudoephedrine solution: Method A: Add enough water to completely dissolve pure ephedrine or pseudoephedrine
Erowid Experience Vaults: Morning Glory.
Methcathinone Synthesis 1 - Scribd
An experience with Morning Glory (LSA Extract), Syrian Rue & Cannabis. 'LSAyahusca' by Phantastica
Extracting Ephedrine From Pills Meth Lab Cleanup Frequently Asked Questions
Morning Glory Seeds - Hip Forums
Totse 2 - Ammonia Nitrate in cold packs
Okay i just want to point out this is NOT my preferred method of extraction. The i posted pics of the main ingredients, all of them are available on amazon.com if
M.E.TEK revised w/pics - Page 4 - Hip.
Ephedrine extraction with naptha
Ephedrine extraction with naptha
- Erowid Experience Vaults: Morning Glory.
Hi guys. Swim has stumbled upon morning glories that he didn't know he had and wanted The initial erowid link won't work for me, but I've read plenty about these